Unlike traditional TravelSims or Travel eSIM's, trvllr. doesn't provide data bundles. These are outdated and unfair, designed to provide a false sense of value. Instead we allow you to simply preload your account with any amount you like, and use it at a pre-defined rate in any country you travel to. Simplicity is the real value.
Most providers of travel sims and eSIM's will offer you either single country packages or data access, or they will allow you to pay for Large, Generic regions. This means that either your usage options are limited or your pricing is not as good as it could be. We offer the ability to choose multiple countries at specific rates.
Nearly all Travel sims have time restrictions placed upon them. This is never for your benefit and it is designed specifically to ensure that you run out of time rather than data. Forcing you to top-up again even if you have data remaining. It is entirely for the benefit of the vendor.
trvllr. has no such time limitations.
Unlike other travel sim Brands, we want you to stay forever. We don't want you to have to download a new eSIM each time you travel. Encouraging loyalty means keeping things simple and rewarding our members. You will earn free data with every GB you spend with us.
Most sims and eSIM's belong to a single network or MNO. This means that they have a single point of failure. Due to the nature of roaming and travel, most travellers are given lower priority on local networks than local customers. At trvllr. we can offer you a multi-IMSI sim to provide resilience.
Data Packages, regional selections, time limitations... all of these options seem like they are supposed to provide great choice, but in reality they are also fairly complex and unforgiving if you get them wrong. At trvllr. we want to keep things so simple that you cannot make a mistake even if you tried.
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